Mathematics Power Learning for Children
Professor B Math Level 1 - Sample Lesson
• Sample Lesson • Table of Contents • Scope Sequence • Overview •

Mathematics Power Learning Level 1
Level 1 Kit
(Includes Textbook, Workbook,
Answer Key, and Chart Book)
Level 1 Textbook
Level 1 Workbook
Level 1 Answer Key
Professor B Chart Book
Objective: Learners will read numerals up to "the trillions."Write 697 on the board.
Tell the learners to look and listen to you very carefully.
Take a pointer, touch the digit 6 and say, "Six hundred"; then touch the digit 9 and say, "Ninety"; then touch the digit 7 and say, "Seven."
Now touch the digit 6 and ask the learners, "What does this say?"
They respond, "Six hundred."
Touch the digit 9 and ask, "What does this say?"
They respond, "Ninety."
Touch the digit 7 and ask, "What does this say?"
They respond, "Seven."
From this point onward, for the next minute, rapidly and randomly tap the digits 6, 9, and 7 as the learners respond appropriately.
Be sure that you do not keep tapping in a particular sequence.
Try to surprise them.
For example, in one sequence, you could tap the 9 first; then the 7; then the 6.
Learners would respond, "Ninety"; then, "Seven"; then, "Six hundred."
At this point, you must write 769 on the board under 697. See Below.
In the left column, tap 6 and ask, "What does this say?"
Now tap 7 in the left column and say, "Seven hundred."
In the middle column, tap 9 and ask, "What does this say?"
Now tap 6 in the middle column and say, "Sixty."
In the right column, tap 7 and ask, "What does this say?"
Now tap 9 in the right column and say, "Nine."
At this point, rapidly and randomly tap among the six digits, for about one minute, as the learners respond appropriately.
Now write 976, on the board under the other two numerals.
- tap 6 (learners respond, "Six hundred"),
- tap 7 (learners respond, "Seven hundred") and
- tap 9 (learners respond, "Nine hundred").
- tap 9 (learners respond, "Ninety"),
- tap 6 (learners respond, "Sixty") and
- tap 7 (learners respond, "Seventy").
- tap 7 (learners respond, "Seven"),
- tap 9 (learners respond, "Nine") and
- tap 6 (learners respond, "Six").
At this point, rapidly and randomly tap among the nine digits, for about two minutes, as the learners respond appropriately.
Now write 385 on the board under the other three numbers.
In the middle column, tap 8 (learners respond "Eighty").
In the right column, tap 5 (learners respond "Five").
In the left column, tap 3 (learners respond "Three hundred").
At this point, rapidly and randomly tap among the twelve digits, for about two minutes, as the learners respond appropriately.
Finally, write 538 on the board under the other four numbers.
Rapidly and randomly tap among the fifteen digits, for two to three minutes, as the learners respond appropriately.
At this point, you should write the five numbers horizontally on the board, with spaces between them as appears below:
With the five numbers arranged in this manner, rapidly and randomly tap among the fifteen digits for two to three minutes, as the learners respond appropriately (they will make the same responses as above).
Now place commas in the spaces between the numbers as follows:

- The name of the first comma starting from the right is "thousand."
- The name of the second comma from the right is "million."
- The name of the third comma from the right is "billion."
- The name of the fourth comma from the right is "trillion."
For about two minutes, tap the various commas rapidly and randomly, while learners practice at naming them quickly and accurately.
Tell the learners, "Follow the pointer."
Be sure that no child passes ahead of , or lags behind, the pointer.
As you move, from left to right, across the number, tapping the digits and the commas, the learners will say, "Six hundred ninety-seven trillion, seven hundred sixty-nine billion, nine hundred seventy-six million, three hundred eighty-five thousand, five hundred thirty-eight."

This whole lesson, from the moment you first wrote 697 on the board, to the reading of the number in the previous paragraph, should take about twenty minutes.
Have learners practice reading the numerals in Facility Exercises #63 (Workbook I) to the level of facility: then move on.